So I am watching the news tonight and most of the stories are about the GOP debates, the super committee failure, and the pending presidential veto of anything that tries to stop the automatic budget cuts. It seems like it does not matter what your position is concerning democracy in America; there is an angle you can find to support what you believe.
It was while watching one of these stories that I realized my own shame. I was thinking of how I could no longer stomach the lies and rhetoric coming out of my TV and then I asked myself why that was. In the answer I saw myself behaving and speaking and acting the same way as a Christian as these men and women are as politicians. They are a type of reflection of me.
On the surface I can see where I keep my shortcomings hidden. I can see the times where I failed to speak what I believed and instead adopted the party line. I know where I feign ignorance and where I pretend not to see. I do this with the little things and the big things in an effort to maintain a level of comfort in my life, to try to control what those around me see and know about this wretched man before them.
So once again I will take all this to God and pray for forgiveness and ask for help to become a better man and live the life He wants me to live. I have HOPE!
If Christ had not died for my sins on the cross and then arose three days later victorious over death, if He had not provided the free gift of salvation, if all this was a lie then I would have no hope. I look around at the world today and I can say with certainty that there is no hope if it depends upon man to solve his own problems. If I forget for a moment what I do know because of Christ, then all I see are two groups of people. One group wants “more” and the other group chants “less” with words dripping with hypocrisy. The only common thread between them is “me and mine.”
If we look within our own American society, we have the greatest form of government the world has ever known. We have a democracy. It is an awesome beacon of light because the people are responsible for what it represents and how it is used.
But what I see today is disgraceful. Democracy is being ripped apart by greed and entitlement. The rich want to use it to increase their power and wealth. This is in contrast to those who feel they “deserve” something for nothing and try to use democracy to achieve their goals.
I find it insane that it is acceptable to claim that a rich person must give what they have earned to those who will not work. I also find it appalling that the rich cannot provide charity to those in need. Of course these are extremes and not everyone would fit into one of these groups. But isn’t it the extremes that are tearing this democracy apart?
Is there hope in all this? Can you even find some decent moral consensus to measure against? It seems that we have two options; a “Nanny State” or a “Corporate State”. Where is the hope in this? I am forced to vote against a “Nanny State” and by default support corporate greed. I know it sounds simplistic and I am aware of all the other baggage involved here. These, however, are tangible ideas and in my opinion sufficiently encompass the other polarizing issues.
I imagine I could go on for volumes concerning the politics of our democracy but I assure you that when I have reached the end, it could all be summed up in the greedy wanting more and the lazy wanting something for nothing. If you don’t agree with me then I challenge you to pick a topic and chase it down to its core. When you have you will find these two opposing sides. And even if I am wrong you will not be able to deny that at least one of the sides of the debate have established their moral position based on a consensus among their friends or some larger group of people.
I suppose what I am trying to say here is that as long as the future of democracy is based on man to morally govern itself, there is no hope. Think about it. We live in a democracy. If we really wanted to affect change, then we would not buy products and services from the greedy. If we really wanted our freedom, then we would not vote for leaders who support and even promote socialist principles. Instead we abdicate our power to the politicians so they can create more rules and laws that diminish our liberties.
I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that Christ is the Son of God. I believe in the trinity God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I believe I am sinner in need of a savoir. I believe that Christ died on a cross for my sins and arose the third day, victorious. I believe I am going to Heaven because I have accepted the free gift of salvation. I believe that anyone who asks will be given the gift of salvation as well.
I am also aware that there are those who have refused Christ and have instead put their faith in themselves. I also believe the Bible where it says in Matthew 12:30, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” It does not matter if someone refuses to take sides when Christianity is assaulted. This desertion or betrayal is evidence that the person is not with Christ. The Bible is clear that there are only two sides. It is a war and one is either with Christ or is not.
In this belief is a call to action. But running around blindly is not action. All action must begin with a goal in mind. Wouldn’t it be great if every day the president led the white house in prayer asking for guidance and mercy and wisdom and honor to God? Where is the leader who will do this? What candidate today has his or her eyes focused on the cross? Who will lead us as we struggle to save democracy? All I see are those against Christ.
I know this is not politically correct. In America today it is not acceptable to be absolute about anything, especially in regards to religion. I have basically let those who would be offended carry on their religious battle. I am not speaking about religion. I am speaking about the one true God and His Son. I am speaking about the very definition of absolutism. I am speaking about a Love that reaches down into the depths of a person’s deepest despair and pain and lifts them from the ashes. I am talking about a God who loved us enough to allow His Son to be crucified for my sins. I am talking about savior who loved me enough to lay down his life for me so I can go to Heaven. I am talking about HOPE!